
Candy says I’ve come to hate my body
And all that it requires in this world
Candy says I’d like to know completely
What others so discreetly talk about

Candy says I hate the quiet places
That cause the smallest taste of what will be
Candy says I hate the big decisions
That cause endless revisions in my mind

I’m gonna watch the blue birds fly over my shoulder
I’m gonna watch them pass me by
Maybe when I’m older
What do you think I’d see
If I could walk away from me


Peter Hujar's photo, "Candy Darling on her Deathbed" was used by Antony and the Johnsons for the cover of their 2005 Mercury Music Prize-winning album I Am a Bird Now.


這是Lou Reed寫給Candy Darling的一首歌,Candy Darling是Andy Warhorl”Factory”裡的一名閃耀之星,從小就對打扮非常有興趣,從電視和好萊塢電影裡面模仿女明星的穿著打扮,她的取名過程有點冗長,但毫無疑問的名字是面對性別認同展現給大眾的另一個重要記號,最後她決定將自己命名為Candy Darling,除了因為喜歡甜食外,來自於她一位朋友經常用充滿柔情的聲音呼喚她:"Candy, darling" 。歌詞一開頭「Candy says I’ve come to hate my body」便唱出了性別認同的悲傷。她23歲的時候遇到Andy Warhol,沒多久就被邀請成為電影Flesh的女主角,展開她的演藝生活。1974年還不到30歲就死於白血病和肺炎,據說和荷爾蒙的施打(隆乳手術?)有關。





似乎許多人偏好Portishead主唱Beth Gibbons的版本,叼著煙皺眉每次聽到都令我神經緊張充滿情緒的聲音,聽起來更為憂傷,但是看到Antony和 Lou Reed的版本卻更有一種滄桑的歷史感,我想或許和這首歌的故事有關,必須要他們唱才更有那種感覺,那種昔人已逝只能詠唱灰飛堙滅的感嘆,更是過去那段風光不再的追憶。

★Music 543 Candy Darling的簡短中文介紹 ::

★Candy Darling/Wikipedia ::

★Warholstars :: 裡面有非常詳盡的介紹,但我還沒有力氣閱讀



PS 原來Stephen Dorff的電影I Shot Andy Warhol也有提到她,因為最近剛好有動力把中性拿出來進入狀況的閱讀,所以對這類人物角色比較注意一點,又,中性買了一年多了,我到這次才意識到作者就是寫Virgin Suicide的Jeffrey Eugenide耶!(突然好懷念這部電影的Soundtrack)


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