

最近因為沒聽什麼新歌只能一直回想過去聽的一些樂團,有些西低常常借人或搞丟很想聽卻聽不到時,只好藉著網路來蒐尋一解相思之苦,我今天突然很想聽elbow的powder blue,沒想到這幾天賴以為生的Youtube竟然無法直接蒐尋到,不是一直蒐尋到一堆人手肘的影片不然就是蒐尋到另一個叫powder  blue的樂團,太讓我失望了!


Your eyes are just like black spiders
Your hair and dress in ribbons. Babycakes
In despair or incoherent. Nothing in between
China white, my bride tonight
Smiling on the tiles
Bring that minute back
We never get so close as when the sunward flight begins
I share it all with you
Powder blue
Stumble through the crowds together
They're trying to ignore us. That's o.k.
I'm proud to be the one you hold when the shakes begin
Sallow skinned, starry eyed, blessed
In our sin
Bring that minute back
We never get so close to death
Makes you so alive
I share it all with you
Powder blue


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